The last trip to El Salvador
Now at the end of 2024 and leading into 2025 is a good time to catch you up on what has happened over the last while, both in the country and new developments with the Word and Deed Project explained in the video.
I made a ten-day trip in January/February, timed for me to be an International Election Observer of the El Salvador presidential elections for the sixth time over twenty-seven years. “New Ideas” Party Nayib Bukele was re-elected on a contrived re-interpretation of the Constitution allowing him to run again. I encourage you to do your own investigation of what that has meant for the country. Time magazine recently had a five page report titled “Iron First.” Having jailed tens of thousands, Bukele is very popular for crime reduction, but at the possible cost of democratic rule. I want here to move on to further reasons for my trip.
Over the last while with national leaders we have worked at changes that I call a “re-alignment.” In the past it was the small Christian Reformed churches in direct relation to me, Lou Wagenveld, to support them in agreed upon projects. To the extent we could avoid “dependency” that was fine, but for various considerations – our move, my age, and my decision to make that my last trip – it was time to restructure relationships. It was felt that things could be done more structurally, namely, through a national non-profit agency related to Resonate (formerly CRC World Missions) That is Casa Semillas de Nueva Creación (Office of Seeds of New Creation). Fundraising will continue….
In meetings with all the interested parties we came to an agreement that over the last two years has gotten worked out. Just recently I got a report that a scholarship program for four young musicians concluded successfully; that will enhance the worship services in the church activities. An agricultural program is now also underway. Other communications also said that plans and budgets for new projects are being submitted; the churches will work directly with Executive Director Gerardo Reyes for approval and implementation with that interdenominational office. Some money will go directly to support this agency, and other funds via them to the mutually agreed upon projects.
I’m asking you to consider your giving for both what was essentially the Word and Deed Project and now for Casa Semillas. Now the support will go to and via the office and programs of Casa Semillas. They have my full confidence as I’ve known them for many years; they give institutional assurance and credibility. Church members include a founder of Semillas, and the pastors are partners.
Sorry we don’t have a “give button” capability; kindly make/send a check to:
ARMA (memo line El Salvador) [A 501 c 3 non-profit; tax deductible receipts issued]
4544Van Buren St.
Hudsonville, MI 49426
See other tabs for more background and information.
I’d very much like to be in personal touch – “Lou”: (616) 392-9079