For overr 20 years now I have kept in close touch with the two small Chrisitan Reformed Churches there, raising money for a church building, a pastors house and some land. Capital investing has been around $85,000. I’ve been making yearly trips and since 2008 have carried out a joint Word and Deed ministry project with the churches. Well over a hundred thousand dollars has supported Gospel witness and work there, as well as mentoring and encouragement of leaders.

But things change, and this Thursday (Jan. 25) I leave on my last trip there. I hope to do three things:

Re-align ministry patterns, and help the churches to enter a relationship with the national NGO Semillas de la Nueva Creación. (In English that is Seeds of a New Creation, which is also partially supported by Resonate Global Missions) Hopefully that will help the ES CRC form a closer link/bond with our denomination, and be on a more institutional footing. I do plan to be supportive of that with some fundraising, always via ARMA.

After leading a devotional next Monday at Semillas, I have plans to make a quick nostalgic side trip to Honduras. You all know of the office there of the Association for a more Just Society. In front of that new building is a tree planted with a plaque in recognition of my late brother Mark, a donor and Board member. I have long wanted to see that tree; I will also be visiting leaders of ASJ and of the Honduran CRC. (A side note; my visit coincides with the intial visit by the new Director of ASJ, Rev. Kyle Maynard-Schaap; pray for him in this new role.)

My last weekend in El Salvador, beside meeting with churches and leaders, I hope to participate for my sixth time as an International Observer for the country’s presidential election on February 4. That takes place every five years; this year is more complicated in that against the Constitution the current president Bukele is running for a second term. Look it up and read about that.

So I’m reporting this and am asking for your prayers for the trip, for my health (which is better), and that the Lord’s guidance and blessing will be in all the matters that will be dealt with.

While I will have access to my host’s computer/email, time likely won’t allow much correspondence. But I will try to respond to your emails along the way. And my prayers will be with you; I am much aware of your important role in that over these years.


-Lou W