There has not been all that much to report these last months; sporadic contact from the CRC ES President Joaquin Ordoñez promised more information and reports by now, but they have not materialized. So you may make that a prayer concern. But I at least wanted to get something on the site for this 2011 year which we are well into. We have again moved to Michigan for the summer; second rainiest Spring on record, so my garden isn’t getting planted, and its hard to keep up with the lawn.
There was one meeting but not very well attended of the “reformados presentes”; they have taken the name Fraternidad Reformada
de El Salvador. I’m trying to evaluate the role I should have if any; “local ownership” is so important and while there is expressed
interest, they seem to have difficulty getting together to further their well intentioned objectives.
This additional prayer request: ARMA fund coordinator Jerry Deters is having slow recovery after knee surgery, and is in a rehab
center up the street. So pray he will improve readily, please. No plans presently for travel to El Salvador, but do hope to see more movement soon.