A financial report on the CRC/ES Word and Deed Project came about six weeks ago, but still awaitng the supporting “narrative” report.
I’ve had some emails from several of the participants in “Reformados Presentes,” but none report a meeting. One participant wrote that he had been quite ill and asked for patience and prayer. Another pastor wrote asking for prayer as his family had suffered deaths and other difficulties. Life for bi or tri-vocational pastors is a constant struggle; this young leader would like to pursue more theological studies.
A Theology of Worship Conference that was largely initiated out of Calvin College and the Institute for Christian Worship was given at the Evangelical University. You can find reports and pictures on the Institute site; Emily Brink and Kathy Smith were presenters. Carlos Contreras of Baylor University coordinated the event.
I’m looking at dates for a trip to El Salvador next month, likely about ten days. Tickets are expensive; I don’t have quite enough frequent flyer miles unless I accept an unreasonable itinerary. Please pray something better will open up.
Look for another post soon. Lou